How to Develop an AI Career as a Beginner

Aravinda 加阳
5 min readJun 19, 2024


“How to develop an AI career as a beginner ?” is a question that continues to surface, despite the plethora of advice available. One particularly valuable source is Andrew Ng, an AI industry expert and Stanford professor, co-founder of This blog post summarizes key insights from his ebook, “How to Develop an AI Career,” and provides actionable steps for those starting their journey in AI. I highly recommend reading the ebook for further details, which you can download for free here.

Foundational Machine Learning Skills

To begin your AI career, it’s crucial to build a strong foundation in machine learning. Understanding models such as linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, decision trees, clustering, and anomaly detection is essential. However, it’s even more important to grasp the core concepts behind how and why machine learning works, such as bias/variance, cost functions, regularization, optimization algorithms, and error analysis.

Deep Learning

Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, focuses on neural networks. As a beginner, you should learn the basics of neural networks, including practical skills for making them work effectively, such as hyperparameter tuning. Additionally, delve into convolutional networks, sequence models, and transformers, which are fundamental in many advanced AI applications.

Math Relevant to Machine Learning

Mathematics plays a critical role in machine learning. Key areas include:

  • Linear Algebra: Understanding vectors, matrices, and their manipulations.
  • Probability and Statistics: Covering discrete and continuous probability, standard probability distributions, independence, Bayes’ rule, and hypothesis testing.
  • Calculus: While not always necessary due to advancements in software, a basic intuitive understanding can be beneficial.

Moreover, exploratory data analysis (EDA) — using visualizations and other methods to systematically explore a dataset — is an underrated but highly useful skill in data-centric AI development.

How Much Math Do You Need?

The math required to be a machine learning engineer depends on your goals. For building models, understanding concepts like gradient descent, momentum, and the Adam optimization algorithm is crucial. When debugging neural networks, knowing the math behind neural network architectures can help solve unexpected issues.

Software Development Skills

While machine learning modeling skills are essential, your job opportunities will increase if you can also write good software to implement complex AI systems. Important skills include:

  • Programming Fundamentals: Especially in Python.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Related to databases and data manipulation.
  • Software Design: Familiarity with key libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn.

Scoping Successful AI Projects

Identifying and working on the right projects is crucial for gaining experience and building a portfolio. Follow these steps:

  1. Identify a Business Problem: Focus on solving business problems rather than AI problems.
  2. Brainstorm AI Solutions: Generate potential AI solutions.
  3. Assess Feasibility and Value: Determine if solutions are technically feasible and valuable.
  4. Determine Milestones: Set clear metrics for success.
  5. Budget for Resources: Plan for data, personnel, time, and necessary integrations.

Finding Projects That Complement Your Career Goals

Choose projects that align with your career development. Start with smaller projects and gradually take on bigger ones as your skills grow. Joining existing projects and focusing on a specific application area can also be beneficial.

Building a Portfolio of Projects That Shows Skill Progression

Your portfolio should demonstrate your growth from simple to complex projects. Effective communication and leadership skills will further enhance your portfolio’s impact.

Developing a Portfolio of Projects

A well-rounded portfolio showcases your skill progression:

  1. Class Projects: Start with narrowly scoped assignments.
  2. Personal Projects: Work on small-scale projects alone or with friends.
  3. Creating Value: Develop projects that others see as valuable.
  4. Rising Scope and Complexity: Take on more significant projects as your skills improve.

A Simple Framework for Starting Your AI Job Search

When you’re ready to search for a job, follow these steps:

  1. Select Companies: Research and list companies you want to apply to.
  2. Prepare for Interviews: Practice common questions and brush up on key skills.
  3. Pick a Role: Choose a position that aligns with your goals and negotiate salary and benefits.

Overcoming Uncertainty

To manage uncertainty in your job search:

  1. List Plausible Scenarios: Acknowledge different possible outcomes.
  2. Create Action Plans: Develop a plan for each scenario.
  3. Execute Actions: Start with reasonable actions.
  4. Review Periodically: Adjust plans as new information emerges.

Using Informational Interviews to Find the Right Job

Informational interviews can help you understand what different roles entail. Prepare by researching the interviewee and company, and ask questions about daily tasks, necessary skills, team dynamics, and the hiring process.

Finding the Right AI Job for You

A successful job search involves:

  • Researching Roles and Companies: Gather information through online research and conversations.
  • Arranging Informal Interviews: Gain insights from current employees.
  • Applying Directly or Getting Referrals: Submit your applications or use referrals.
  • Interviewing: Prepare thoroughly and perform well in interviews.
  • Choosing the Right Offer: Evaluate offers based on fit and growth potential.

A Simple Framework for Starting Your AI Job Search

To start your job search effectively:

  • Research and Identify Roles: Understand what roles suit your skills and interests.
  • Prepare and Practice: Get ready for interviews and refine your resume and portfolio.
  • Apply and Network: Submit applications and leverage your professional network.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

AI is complex, and feeling like an imposter is common. Remember that everyone starts as a beginner. Seek support from mentors and peers, and focus on continuous learning and improvement.

Make Every Day Count

Dedicate time to learning and improving your skills daily. Personal discipline, teamwork, and networking are crucial components of a successful AI career.


Developing a career in AI is a journey that requires a solid foundation in machine learning, deep learning, and relevant mathematics. Building software development skills and working on meaningful projects will enhance your portfolio and job prospects. By following these steps and continuously improving, you can successfully navigate the path to a rewarding AI career.


